Cyber Risk Assessment

The basis for building a defense umbrella for an organization is to perform an examination of weak points, identify loopholes, define needs, and make recommendations to fill gaps between the existing protection and the desired protection.

Information security is required to maintain information confidentiality, information availability and integrity.

010 works according to the methodology of the Israeli Cyber ​​Headquarters with adjustments required for each organization according to its size, nature, geographic distribution, regulatory requirements, relevant threats, and exposures.

The content of the assessment varies depending on the client and his infrastructure and usually includes:

  • Interviews with key people in the organization
  • Database mapping
  • Mapping infrastructure and information systems
  • Mapping processes in the organization
  • Network and systems scanning to identify network weaknesses.
  • Checking the way information systems are used, remote access passwords and more.

At the end of the survey, an executive report describing the current situation and the gap to the desired situation will be produced.

The report will detail the findings and the level of risk for each finding, as well as recommendations for correcting the deficiencies.

The report will be a guideline for the organization to perform necessary actions and repairs to minimize the damages in the event of an attack.

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